Sunday, November 10, 2013

Week 16 – Rendering continues with Post Production

This week has been quite busy, checking and rechecking every render. Unlike last week, this week has been relatively smooth and with no or little mistakes. My confidence in my rendering has grown as I can see the entire animation coming to life.

As each render has finished, like last week, I place in after effects for twicking and colour correction, then in Premiere for timing and editing. Currently, my renders are a bit over the place, but it will come together very soon.

During my renders, I was working on time and how long each one would take (as we now have an extra week, this has become just as important as it once was), and the backgrounds with animation was taking roughly 8-10 minutes for the interior scenes. However, there are many shots where the background is static, so I come to the conclusion that I should just render the static background once, and just render the animation. That way, I should be able to free up time. This of course only works with static or locked cameras, but moveable cameras, will need to be rendered as before.

As the renders continue their job, I finally recorded the male voices with a new audio engineer on Friday afternoon. With the extra few days, this has allowed me breathing space to fix up the lip syching. The recording session was excellent with Richard, the audio engineer and myself working well together, far better than the previous one. I hope to maintain this working relationship into next year.

One week to go and I hope to have all my renders completed by early in the week (around Tuesday), with the rest of the time for finalising timing/pacing, post along with the credits and start, using After Effects and Premiere.

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